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The international sites of KKE gradually move to a new page format. You can find the previous versions of the already upgraded pages (with all their content) following these links:

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Police attack teachers’ mobilization in front of the Ministry of Education

Sep 5, 2024

Police attack teachers’ mobilization in front of the Ministry of Education
A few days before the first bell of the school year that starts ...
On the war in the Middle East

Sep 5, 2024

On the war in the Middle East
In the last few months, the whole world has witnessed a ...
We condemn the Israeli attack on the West Bank

Aug 30, 2024

We condemn the Israeli attack on the West Bank
The KKE vehemently condemns the murderous state of Israel, which, ...
Hands off the communists of Israel!

Aug 27, 2024

Hands off the communists of Israel!
The KKE denounces before the Greek people the provocative and ...

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On the Cyprus Issue

Positions and materials of the KKE on the developments around the Cyprus Issue

International activity of KKE in 2015

Message on the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution

Dec 31, 2015

Message on the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution
Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee International Relations Section Dear comrades, We convey to you the comradely greetings of the Greek communists on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban Revolution. ...
Solidarity and the struggle for a Palestinian State must be strengthened

Dec 23, 2015

Solidarity and the struggle for a Palestinian State must be strengthened
Dimitris Koutsoumpas, the GS of the CC of the KKE, met on 21/12/2015 in Athens with the President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas. The meeting was held in the framework of the Palestinian President’s visit to Athens and his discussions with the government and the leaders of the political parties. D. ...
Letter of protest of the EU parliamentary group of the KKE concerning the banning of the CP of Ukraine

Dec 23, 2015

Letter of protest of the EU parliamentary group of the KKE concerning the banning of the CP of Ukraine
The EU parliamentary group of the KKE in its letter of protest to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, F. Mogherini, denounces the unacceptable decision of the Ukrainian government to outlaw the Communist Party of Ukraine. ...
Motions of the Plenum of the European Communist Initiative

Dec 22, 2015

Motions of the Plenum of the European Communist Initiative
On the 8th of December, in Brussels, the meeting of the full Plenum of the Initiative took place which, amongst other things, approved the following Motions of the European Communist "Initiative":
The KKE denounces the decision to ban the CP of Ukraine

Dec 18, 2015

The KKE denounces the decision to ban the CP of Ukraine
The KKE denounces the decision of the judicial authorities of Ukraine to definitively ban the Communist Party of Ukraine. ...
We strengthen the struggle against imperialist war and our country’s involvement

Dec 16, 2015

We strengthen the struggle against imperialist war and our country’s involvement
The event of the Attica Party Organization of the KKE against imperialist war and Greece’s participation in it was held in Athens on 15/12. It was characterized by mass participation and a militant atmosphere. ...
Protest at the Embassy of Kazakhstan

Dec 14, 2015

Protest at the Embassy of Kazakhstan
4 years after the bloody attack of the forces of repression fo Kazakhstan on striking workers in the city of Zhanaozen, the Kazakhstan have outlawed the CP. ...
Introductory speech of Giorgos Marinos at the European Communist Initiative

Dec 9, 2015

Introductory speech of Giorgos Marinos at the European Communist Initiative
The annual meeting of the Plenum of the “European Communist Initiative” which is a form of regional cooperation and coordination of Communist and Workers parties in Europe was held on Tuesday the 8th of December in Brussels. ...
Press Statement of the KKE on the European Communist Meeting

Dec 9, 2015

Press Statement of the KKE on the European Communist Meeting
On the 7th of December 2015, the European Communist Meeting was held in Brussels at the initiative of the KKE. ...
Introductory speech of the KKE for the European Communist Meeting

Dec 9, 2015

Introductory speech of the KKE for the European Communist Meeting
. “We strengthen the workers’-people’s struggle against the capitalist barbarity which creates wars, poverty, refugees and immigrants. For the Europe of socialism, peace, social justice. ...