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Joint struggle of the Greek and Turkish communists

On 11 April 2022, Kemal Okuyan, General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Turkey, visited Athens. Comrade K. Okuyan held bilateral meetings with a delegation of the KKE, headed by the General Secretary of the CC of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoumbas.
During the meeting, the delegations discussed on the situation and the activities of the two parties in the two countries, as well as their joint actions and initiatives.
After the meeting, comrades Dimitris Koutsoumbas and Kemal Okuyan issued the following Joint Statement:
Joint statement by D. Koutsoumbas – K. Okuyan
The Communist Parties of Greece and Turkey, under our common banner, proletarian internationalism, peace and solidarity between our peoples, call upon the working class and the other popular strata to strengthen their struggle against the imperialist war in Ukraine with the intervention of capitalist Russia, against NATO, and overall the plans of the bourgeois classes and imperialist unions that drag the peoples to the slaughterhouse of war with the involvement of our countries.
Turkey and Greece are actively involved in the plans of the aggressive imperialist NATO alliance. They actively participate in military exercises for the encirclement of Russia, they have become launching pads for NATO against other peoples, and, at the same time, a target for retaliation by its competitors. The military operation of Russia against Ukraine, which may set the entire region on fire, took place in the framework of this inter-imperialist competition.
The contemporary struggle against NATO and all imperialist unions is the struggle for peace and friendship among the peoples, against class exploitation and capitalist barbarity.
The Communist Party of Greece and the Communist Party of Turkey further strengthen their cordial comradely relations and the efforts for the class unity of the working class, the social alliance with the oppressed by the monopolies popular strata, aiming to develop the class struggle, the struggle for workers’ power, for socialism, which in our days is more timely and necessary.
Dimitris Koutsoumbas Kemal Okuyan
GS of the CC of the KKE GS of the CC of the TKP